A puzzle/horror game, built for Google Cardboard.
This app is part of a real world escape room puzzle.
This AR app animates the mural on the wall, and you can find additional information about the art.
Students can learn how to operate and trubleshot the Mechatronics device using the AR headset.
"Emlak" is a service that help real estate agents to register a new real estate in their when they visit the location.
This windows desktop app can search online web sites for broken links and accessibility issues. It can also generate a list of test cases to be tested manualy by SQA experts.
"E-Karantina" is a native Android app that shows the status of quarentine inspection applications.
Modeled this building using Maya based on a 2D Autocad 14 architectural draft.
A new UX and UI design for an existing website.
A sculpture made of foam boards.
Winsor & Newton's mock-up website.
Cannes Poster mock-up.
Salvador Dali brochure.
Branding document mock-up.